The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2019" was posted on the website

National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2019" has been posted on the website in electronic format.
“Aspects of the Standard of Living of Population in 2019” is an annual statistical publication containing detailed information on income, expenditures, housing conditions, household food consumption, availability of durable goods, etc. The current publication presents a generalization of the results of the Household Budget Survey (HBS) as of 2019.
Based on the estimation of the indicators was used the number of population with usual residence. Starting with 2019, the data are not comparable to the previous period, as the HBS methodology was modified.
Some methodological specifications for the main indicators are also presented.
The publications is available in Excel format.
Romanian and English versions.
More detailed information is available under the heading: Products and services / Publications / Aspects of the standard of living of population
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