The traditional "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova", the 2019 edition, was placed in electronic format

The traditional "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova", the 2019 edition, was placed in electronic format.
The Statistical Yearbook, a reference work in the system of statistical publications, contains the latest statistical data available on various fields, as well as the evolution of the main economic indicators in recent years.Knowing the evolution of the country from an economic, but also social point of view, helps to develop public policies necessary to improve the quality of life of the population.
The current edition contains data series for 2018, structured in 24 chapters, with over 360 tables and graphs. Each chapter contains methodological clarifications for each basic indicator. Also, data on international statistics are presented which allow the comparison of some indicators for the Republic of Moldova.
The publication is available in PDF and Excel format, in Romanian, Russian and English and can be accessed on the web page under: Products and services / Publications / Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova.
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