Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms

Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms
During 26-28 July 2016, "Improved Regional Statistics in Republic Moldova" EU Project (STATREG), in close cooperation with National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) organized a Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms in the district of Causeni. The event was designed for all stakeholders involved in preparation and implementation of the pilot survey: NBS Agricultural Statistic staff, NBS local staff in Causeni, supervisors and interviewers.
The workshop aimed to support NBS in producing regional indicators aligned on Eurostat requirements in agricultural regional statistics field. In this context, it had been organised a pilot survey on vegetal and animal production on a sample of 500 small farms (10 ha and less) in the district of Causeni.
The main purpose of this pilot survey it was to test a questionnaire fully aligned on Eurostat methodology through face-to-face interviews with farmers and adapt it to the Moldovan context.
The workshop was delivered by agricultural statistics international expert Mr Artur ŁĄCZYŃSKI, who prepared a road map for the recasting of the system of agricultural production surveys including the design of this pilot production survey.
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