Activity of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in 2022

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2022 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constituted about 99,2% of the total number of reporting enterprises (compared to 99,1% in 2021); the average number of employees in SMEs was 347,3 thousand, owning 65,6% of the total average number of employees of enterprises (compared to 64,2% in 2021); sales revenues of SMEs summed up 274,8 billion lei or 44,9% of total sales revenues in the economy (compared to 46,1% in 2021).
 More detailed information is available in Romanian language.

2022 2022/2021 activitatea întreprinderilor activități economice demografia întreprinderilor întreprinderi active întreprinderi create întreprinderi lichidate întreprinderi private întreprinderi raportoare numărul întreprinderilor numărul salariaților ponderea întreprinderilor rata întreprinderilor active venituri disponibile veniturile din vînzări

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