
The Structural business statistics (SBS) is a structural statistical sample survey of the enterprises engaged in an economic activity on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level.The structural questionnaire of the enterprises represents the major tool of statistical survey of their activity; SBS provides information to characterize the productive and commercial system of enterprises in total at the level; of national economy, including by types of activity, forms of ownership, size classes and the regional aspect; SBS is an important source of data for the development of National Accounts at national and regional level; SBS provides the necessary information for the update the Register of Statistical Units, which is subsequently used for statistical surveys. The data are disseminated annually.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
25.10.202414:00News releasesTrends in economic development Quarter IV 2024BNS
08.11.202414:00StatbankShort-term business demography statistics (Number of registered enterprises and number of legal entities that have started bankruptcy proceedings) Quarter III 2024BNS
28.11.202414:00StatbankAnnual Structural Survey 2023BNS
19.12.202414:00PublicationsResults of the sampling structural survey of enterprise (Romanian and English) 2022BNS
20.12.202414:00News releasesThe number of economic entities and business demography 2023BNS
