
Agricultural statistics is the branch of economic statistics that studies agriculture and includes a series of chapters:

- statistics on the structure of agricultural holdings (General Agricultural Census and indicators of the structure and economic dimensions of agricultural holdings);
- crops statistics (sown and harvested areas, gross harvest, average crop yield);
- livestock statistics (number and productivity of animals and poultry, production of animal products);
- statistics on sales of agricultural production, prices and price indices of agricultural producers;
- macroeconomic indicators (gross agricultural production, balances of food resources and their use, level of food consumption per capita, other indicators of food security);
- agri-environmental indicators (use of natural and chemical fertilizers, chemical means for plant protection);
- indicators of the material-technical basis of agriculture (agricultural machinery and equipment, agricultural constructions, etc.). The statistics of agriculture are centralized in the National Bureau of Statistics, they are elaborated on the basis of exhaustive and selective statistical surveys, also by performing special statistical calculations. The frequency of data presentation is different for different indicators: once a year, twice a year, quarterly, annually.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
30.10.202414:00StatbankMain indicators in agriculture January-September 2024BNS
30.10.202414:00News releasesAgricultural activity January-September 2024BNS
