Attendance of collective tourist accommodation establishments in January-September 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 259,1 thou. tourists attended collective tourist accommodation establishments in the period of January-September 2022, or 2,1 times more compared to the similar period of 2021. Of the total number of tourists, 137,3 thousand (or 53,0%) were resident tourists and 121,8 thou. (47,0%) - non-resident tourists.

Compared to January-September 2021, the number of non-resident tourists placed in establishments of collective touristic reception in January-September 2022 increased by 77,3 thousand tourists (2,7 times), and resident tourists - by 55,7 thousand tourists (+68,2%).

More detailed information can be found in Romanian language.

2021 2022 2022/2021 agențiile de turism cămine pentru vizitatori excursioniști numărul de turiști pensiuni agroturistice pensiuni turistice servicii turistice structuri de întremare tabere de vacanță turism turismul emițător turismul intern turismul receptor turiști nerezidenți turiști rezidenți turoperatori

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