Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accomodation in 2008

Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accomodation in 2008
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2008 the capacity of establishments of collective touristic accomodation constituted 3697,8 thou. places-days, deacresing by 6,1 % comparing to 2007. In the total of the touristic accomodation's capacity the share of hotels and motels was 28,3%, summer camps for pupils - 26,3%, health-care structures -18,6%, touristic villas, recreation camps and other recreation structures - 15,7%, hostels for visitors - 5,6%, tourist and agrotourist pensions - 5,5%.
Establishments of collective touristic accomodation were visited in 2008 by 280,5 thou. tourists, with 10,8% less than in 2007. This reduction was caused by the decrease of the number of tourists at touristic villas, recreation camps and other recreation structures (-47,5), hostels for visitors (-47,1%), hotels and motels (-1,1%).
More detailed information is available in Romanian version
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