Population and Housing Census - the process of planning, collecting, processing, assessing, disseminating and analyzing data on persons (demographic, social and economic data), households and dwellings in the Republic of Moldova, with reference to a given moment in time.
The information recorded in the census reflects population and housing characteristics as at 00.00 the census reference date, which is the first day of the census data collection period.
The census is conducted at least every 10 years as part of the global census rounds.
The purpose of the census is to offer information of public interest on the resident population and housing for policy development, monitoring and evaluation, for informed decision-making on human development, for business and scientific research development.
The aim of the census is to produce, under the international comparability and overall quality of official national statistical data in the form of statistical indicators on: the number and territorial distribution of the population at the smallest territorial level; demographic structure and socio-economic characteristics; households, dwellings, living conditions of the population and the buildings in which the population's dwellings are located.
The census serves as a basis for the annual population estimates of the country and as a sampling frame for selective statistical surveys.
News releases
Metadata, concepts and methodologies
Concepts and methodologies
Relevant statistics
Useful links
- Dorin LozovanuHead of Division
Census Division - Snigalitea NașcoDeputy Head of Division
Census Division