National platform for data dissemination on 2030 Sustainable Development Goals was launched

On 3 April, the National Bureau of Statistics launched the national platform for data dissemination on monitoring indicators for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to be used by the general public.
According to the Government Decision no.953/2022 on the approval of the national framework for monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the National Bureau of Statistics is the authority that coordinates the process of production and dissemination of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) monitoring indicators and ensures the centralized dissemination of data on the dynamics of SDG monitoring indicators on a national dissemination platform.
The platform contains information for the 337 indicators approved by Government Decision 953/2022. Data for the SDG platform is provided by more than 40 central authorities and institutions according to the responsibilities in the Decision. The National Bureau of Statistics produces data for about one third of all indicators.
The SDG platform was developed based on the Open SDG solution, elaborated by the UK Statistics Office, the US Government and the Center for Open Data Enterprise, and used by over 20 countries to disseminate SDG monitoring indicators. The national platform is available in 2 languages: English and Romanian.
Indicators for which data are available (more than 70% of all indicators) are presented in graphical and tabular form, contain various disaggregations and are accompanied by metadata (including calculation formula, unit of measurement, data source, comparability with overall indicator, etc.).
The SDG platform can be accessed at or on the National Bureau of Statistics website, under Sustainable Development Goals
The national platform for data dissemination on the SDG indicators was presented at an event dedicated to the planning of activities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the Republic of Moldova, organized by the State Chancellery, in partnership with the National Bureau of Statistics and UN Women, on 3 April.
"Through collaboration and joint commitment, we aim to accelerate progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and ensure a better and more sustainable future for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova. Today's event is a good opportunity for open and constructive discussions aimed at both a comprehensive analysis of the challenges in the process of implementing the SDGs and identifying solutions to overcome them," said Deputy General Secretary of the Government, Lilia Dabija.
At the launch event, Aurelia Spătaru, Deputy General Director of the NBS, talked about the process of adapting the SDG indicators from the global list to the national level, the process of revising the indicators to the national context and the challenges faced in ensuring data availability and collaboration with national institutions. Lilia Racu, Head of the Dissemination and Communication Division, also presented the actions to be carried out in 2024 such as: updating the platform with collected data and metadata, validating data and metadata from all institutions concerned, strengthening cooperation relations with data producers. For public authorities responsible for providing data for the SDG indicators, recommendations have been made to plan actions for the production of missing or partially available indicators, with a request for support and technical assistance from the UN custodian agencies responsible for the methodological definition of SDG indicators at global level.
The event was attended by about 40 representatives of central public authorities and other institutions, and also presented the conclusions on the process of elaboration of the Progress Report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in 2023 and the results of the assessment of the monitoring indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG indicators assessment report and the draft roadmap with necessary actions needed on the production of missing or partially available SDG monitoring indicators (including missing disaggregations), or those requiring adjustments, were elaborated with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), by Maria Vremiș, consultant for the implementation of the assessment of the national SDG indicators framework, and Viorica Toartă, independent expert in social policy, monitoring and assessment.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a universal appeal for action in order to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people everywhere. The 17 goals were adopted by all UN member states in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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