NBS presented the draft of the new ICT questionnaire for the enterprises

NBS presented the draft of the new ICT questionnaire for the enterprises
In December, the new draft questionnaire was shared with the representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), Moldova IT Park, the Association of ICT enterprises, for consultation and relevant comments. Its final version is expected to be defined by the NBS in January next year.
According to Svetlana Bulgac, head of the General Directorate for Business Statistics of NBS, this was a necessary change, since the current questionnaire approved in the 2000 no longer corresponds to the current requirements. “The format and data collected in the questionnaire were very outdated and did not meet the requirements of internal and external users. The draft of the new questionnaire was developed pursuant to the EU recommendations, similarly allowing to achieve comparability between the situation in the Republic of Moldova and other European countries, which have implemented such questionnaires and collect in this format the statistical information on the use of ICT in enterprises", said Svetlana Bulgac.
The draft of the new questionnaire contains a set of questions about the ICT systems used by the national enterprises, internet access and use, websites, use of social networks, e-commerce, use of the internet to interact with public authorities, ICT security, investments and expenses for ICT products, etc. In total, the new questionnaire contains seven chapters. Its final version will be tested in a pilot survey planned next year.
After testing the questionnaire, it will be adjusted according to the comments and proposals of the respondents participating in the pilot research.
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