The publication „Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises", edition 2021, posted on the webpage

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistical publication „Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises", edition 2021 was posted.
Publication is developed based on the results of structural business survey and presents the main indicators of business activity in the Republic of Moldova, including by types of activity, forms of ownership, size classes and regional aspect.
The Structural Business Survey includes the following economic activities: extractive and manufacturing industry; electricity, gas and water supply; construction; trade; transportation; accommodation and food service activities; information and communications; other market services. Such activities as agriculture, public administration, financial activities and predominantly non-commercial services (education, health and social work activities) are not included.
The publications is available in Excel format.
More detailed information is available under the heading: Products and services / Publications / Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises
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