NBS presented the results of the study on the development of the business environment from a gender perspective

NBS presented the results of the study on the development of the business environment from a gender perspective,
including “Analytical report on the participation of women and men in entrepreneurship
Today, August 6, in an online session, were presented the results of the study on gender perspective in business development, conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in 2018. During the event was presented the Analytical Report on participation of women and men in entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova, developed by the national expert, Rodica Nicoara. The online event brought together decision makers, statisticians, demographers, but also national experts.
The report presents a comparative analysis with the situation of 2009, when the NBS developed the latest national study in the field of female entrepreneurship. It is structured in 6 chapters:
I. Socio-demographic characteristics of entrepreneurs and peculiarities of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova
II. Starting a business
III. Business activity
IV. Employment and remuneration
V. Business development
VI. Business support
The NBS also released today the Analytical Note The main results of the research “Development of the Business Environment” in which are presented the methodological aspects of the research and a statistical summary of the main results.
The statistical research “Development of the Business Environment” in terms of gender dimension was conducted in accordance with the action plan of the Development Strategy of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector for the years 2018-2020, between September 5-25, 2018. It is the second research conducted by the NBS, the first being conducted in 2009. The study was conducted under the Joint UN Program "Strengthening the National Statistical System", in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics and with the support of UNDP and UN Women Moldova, as well as Sweden.
More details as well as relevant documents are available in Romanian.
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