• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova
Congratualations to the National Bureau of Statistics's team for the active participation at the sports contest of public service employees, the VIth edition

Congratualations to the National Bureau of Statistics's team for the active participation at the sports contest of public service employees, the VIth edition

The spot contest was organized on 22-24 May, 2009 by the Chisinau Territorial Trade Union Association of the Federation of Trade Unions of Public Service Employees and was held at he Camping Vadul lui Voda. The competing teams (counting 15 teams) participated in seven contests.

Conference “Promoting Gender Equality & Demographic Policies through Improved Data Management”

Conference “Promoting Gender Equality & Demographic Policies through Improved Data Management”

On May 19, 2009, at the republic's Palace iby United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) the Conference “Promoting Gender Equality & Demographic Policies through Improved Data Management” has been organized. Representatives of the central and local public authorities, donors and international organizations, academia, NGOs and media have gathered at this event.

The statistical bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regoins, counties and municipalities in January-March 2009" has appeared

The statistical bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regoins, counties and municipalities in January-March 2009" has appeared

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the appearance of the statistcal quarterly bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regions, counties and municipalities in January-March 2009".

Employment - quarterly time series

Employment - quarterly time series

For the first time it has been published on the official webpage of the National Bureau of Statistics quarterly time series regarding Employment for 2000-2008.

Statistical complitaion “Labour force migration in the Republic of Moldova”

Statistical complitaion “Labour force migration in the Republic of Moldova”

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the issue of the statistical compilation “Labour force migration in the Republic of Moldova”. The publication contains information regarding the labour force migration in the Republic of Moldova and social-demographic characteristics: sex, age, area, level of education, civil status, as well as information about the duration of stay abroad, country of destination, working conditions.

Population incomes - updated time series

Population incomes - updated time series

Infraanual and annual time series regarding Population incomes were updated.

The statistical compilation "Women and men of the Republic of Moldova" was published

The statistical compilation "Women and men of the Republic of Moldova" was published

National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the United Nations Development Fund for Women has published the statistical compilation "Women and men of the Republic of Moldova". The publication contains statistical data regarding participation in the public and political life, population, health, international migration, labour market, education, social protection, criminality, living standards.

Consumption of foodstuff products

Consumption of foodstuff products

For the first time it has been published on the official webpage of the National Bureau of Statistics statistical data regarding the Consumption of foodstuff products per capita in average for 1981-1990 and annual time series for 1990-2007.

It is disseminated the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-December 2008"

It is disseminated the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-December 2008"

National Bureau for Statistics presents the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-December 2008. The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. The main indicators are presented in territorial aspect. Information on social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

It has been published the "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova in 2008"

It has been published the "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova in 2008"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the issue of the "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova in 2008". The publication contains operative information with the economic analysis of the main indicators, and also tables and diagrams with statistical data on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country.

The statistical bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regoins, counties and municipalities in January-December 2008" has appeared

The statistical bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regoins, counties and municipalities in January-December 2008" has appeared

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the appearance of the statistcal quarterly bulletin "Main social-economic indicators by development regions, counties and municipalities in January-December 2008".

It is disseminated the statistical publication "Health protection in the Republic of Moldova"

It is disseminated the statistical publication "Health protection in the Republic of Moldova"

National Bureau of Statistics has published the statistical publication "Health protection in the Republic of Moldova". The publication contains information on medical and demographical aspects of population’s health and of separate socio-demographic groups...

It is disseminated the "External Trade of The Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

It is disseminated the "External Trade of The Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the dissemination of the statistical publication "External Trade of The Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". The publication contains summary statistical time series for 2006-2007 on export, import, trade balance for total, by continents, countries, groups of countries, commodity groups according the Nomenclature of Goods, the Standard International Trade Classification and Big Economic Categories, and also by countries-commodity groups.The publication is available on the CD-ROM and contains time series for 2001-2007 (in Excel format).

It is disseminated the "Energy Balance of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

It is disseminated the "Energy Balance of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau for Statistics presents the "Energy Balance of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". This compilation contains detailed information on the creation of primary and total energy resources, distribution and final consumption of energy by main economic activities and branches of industry, as well as the characteristic of energy equipment: installed capacity of electric power stations, consumption of fuel for production of electricity and thermal energy. This edition contains time series for 2000-2007.

It is disseminated the statistical publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises"

It is disseminated the statistical publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the dissemination of the statistical publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises". The publication presents the results of enterprises activity (including small and medium) received as a result of data processing of the Sampling Structural Survey spent in 2007, with application of sample survey methods. The Structural Survey contains a set of indicators, by means of which the whole industrial and commercial system of the enterprise is characterized. Analytical tables containing main economical indicators, including by types of activities, forms of ownership and size of enterprise are presented.

It has been published the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of the Population"

It has been published the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of the Population"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the publishung of the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of the Population". The publication contains information regarding main social and economic aspects which characterize the welfare level of the population, especially incomes, expenditures, housing conditions, availability of durable goods, household food consumption etc. The information is presented based on the Household Budget Survey in the Republic of Moldova for 2007. For the main indicators methodological notes are presented.

It is disseminated the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

It is disseminated the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau of Statistics has published the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". The Yearbook contains the most important data regarding the socio-economic and demographic development of the country during 2000-2007.

It has been published the statistical compilation “Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova” edition 2008

It has been published the statistical compilation “Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova” edition 2008

The statistical compilation “Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova” edition 2008. The compilation contains statistical data about the administrative-territorial division of the country and series of statistical data concerning the number and demographic structure of the population, as well as its natural movement (borns, deceased, marriages, divorces) and migratory (international) movement for 2001-2007.

It is disseminated the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-September 2008"

It is disseminated the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-September 2008"

National Bureau for Statistics presents the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-September 2008". The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country.

Round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”

Round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”

Within the technical assistance provided by UNICEF representative in Moldova on the 21st November 2008 the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Republic of Moldova has organized a round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”.

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