Round table „Implementation of SNA methodology, UN-2008 / ESC-2010”

Round table „Implementation of SNA methodology, UN-2008 / ESC-2010”
Today, 15 June, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) held a round table on "Implementation of the calculation methodology of the United Nations System of National Accounts, version 2008 / European System of Accounts, version 2010 (SNA, UN-2008 / ESC-2010)".
The main aspects of a new version of SNA methodology, UN-2008 / ESC-2010, as well as the differences from the SNA methodology, UN-1993 / ESC-1995 used up to now were presented at the round table. At the same time it was analysed the degree of influence of the applied methodology on the development of the most important macroeconomic indicator, the Gross Domestic Product and were presented the objectives of the future.
In the opening speech, Vitalie Valcov, General Director of the NBS mentioned that "One of the main objectives of official statistics is to provide comparable statistical data at international level to citizens and decision-makers. The development of macroeconomic statistics in line with the recommendations of the UN and Eurostat is foreseen in the Development Strategy 2016-2020 of the National Statistical System and the implementation of the SNA methodology, UN-2008 / ESC-2010 is a priority objective of the respective strategy".
The event was attended by the main users and producers of statistical data, representatives of public authorities and relevant governmental institutions, civil society, academic environment.
We would like to mention that the transition to SNA methodology, UN-2008 / ESC-2010, was possible thanks to the assistance of the IMF International Expert, Ms. Velitchka Petrova.
Useful references:
- System of National Accounts (SNA 2008), adopted by the National Commission for Statistics (NCS)
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