The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in the quarter II 2022, the average gross monthly nominal earnings at the units in the real sector with 4 and more employees and all budgetary institutions amounted to 10376,2 Lei and increased compared to the quarter II 2021 in nominal terms with 14,7%, and in real terms, adjusted to the consumer price index, decreased with 11,3%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-June 2022, investments in fixed assets amounted to 11,8 billion lei or 7,7% less compared to the corresponding period of 2021.
A delegation of the Republic of Moldova, consisting of representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics, the Electronic Government Agency, the Ministry of Finance and the United Nations Population Fund of Moldova undertook a study visit to India, New Delhi, during 01 – 05 August 2022.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 133,7 thou. tourists attended collective tourist accommodation establishments in the period of January-June 2022, or 2,4 times more compared to the similar period of 2021. Of the total number of tourists, 73,1 thousand (or 54,7%) were non-resident tourists and 60,6 thou. (45,3%) - resident tourists.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-June 2022 the gross premiums charged constituted 1182,1 million lei, increasing by 34,6% compared to the gross premiums charged in the corresponding period of previous year.
The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2021, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021 the average nominal gross monthly earning of an employee counted 8979,8 lei, increasing with 13,1% (or with 1036,8 lei) compared to 2020.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in June 2022, the industrial production (gross series) decreased compared to the corresponding month of the previous year by 6,6%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-June 2022, the volume of construction works decreased compared to the same period of 2021 by 15,9%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-June 2022 the tourism agencies and tour-operators provided tourism services to 142,0 thousand tourists and excursionists, or with 47,8% more than in January-June 2021.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in June 2022, turnover in retail trade (excluding trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles), in comparable prices, increased with 3,5% compared to previous month and decreased with 4,1% compared to June 2021.
Industrial production price indices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in July 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 0,6% compared to June 2022, compared to July 2021 - by 29,3% and compared to December 2021 - with 17,7%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in June 2022 registered a value of 415,4 millions US dollars, with 0,2% less than in the previous month and by 1,8 times more compared to June 2021.
The number of the population with regular residence on January 1, 2022 constituted 2603,8 thousand persons, of which 670,9 thousand or 25,8% are young people aged between 14-34 years. The distribution of young people by sex is as follows: 49,3% - women and 50,7% - men.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the average consumer prices in July 2022 compared to June 2022 increased with 1,39%. The increase in average consumer prices was caused by the increase in food prices with 0,18%, in non-food prices with 1,19% and on services provided to the population with 3,39%.
Sales indices of agricultural production prices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that producer prices (average sale prices by agricultural enterprises) of agricultural products in January-June 2022 registered 109,5% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was 59,4 thousand enterprises and represents about 98,4% of the total number of reporting enterprises.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-June 2022, 1609 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, less with 12,7% compared to January-June 2021.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 according to the specified data, value of manufactured industrial production, in current prices, amounted to 70,6 mild. lei. The index of the volume of industrial production compared to 2020 constituted 112,1%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the global agricultural production, in all types in January-June 2022, according to preliminary estimations, amounted to 94,3%, in comparable prices, compared to the corresponding period in 2021. The decrease of the global agricultural production was determined by the decrease of the vegetable production by 7,6% and in livestock production by 5,3%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in May 2022, turnover in retail trade (excluding trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles), in comparable prices, increased with 4,8% compared to previous month and with 1,9% compared to May 2021.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in May 2022, the industrial production (gross series) increased compared to the corresponding month of the previous year by 13,2%. The increase in production in May 2022 compared to May 2021 was determined by increases in the extractive industry (+ 3,9%), in the manufacturing industry (+ 14,2%) and in the production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+ 5,9%), generating the increase of production on total industry with 0,1%, 12,7% and 0,4% respectively.
Industrial production price indices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in June 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 2,1% compared to May 2022, compared to June 2021 - by 28,6% and compared to December 2021 - with 17,0%.
The publication contains main statistical indicators that characterize the educational system of the country for the period 2010-2021. Data are represented by educational levels: early education, primary and general secondary education, vocational education, higher education, doctorate, regional statistics.