
Information technology statistics include annual indicators on the situation in the field of computerization and Internet connection: the number of ICT equipment, the number of employees who regularly use ICT products in the workplace, including the Internet, website usage and cloud computing services, use of e-commerce etc. Communication statistics include quarterly and annual indicators on the development of telephony and Internet access, the development of postal services and their evolution. Statistical data on the activity in the field of electronic communications and postal communications are compiled by the National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology. The data is disseminated quarterly and annually.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
28.03.202514:00StatbankTelephone facilities and activities 2024BNS
28.03.202514:00StatbankPost means and activity 2024BNS
30.06.202514:00StatbankInformation technologies 2024BNS
30.06.202514:00Excel tablesThe situation regarding the use of information and communication technology products 2024BNS
