The main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Moldova in 2008

Results of the national economic activity are presented as follows:
Gross Domestic Product in 2008, according to the preliminary estimations, summed up 62840 million lei, current market prices. In comparable terms Gross Domestic Product increased with 7,2% compared to previous year.
Industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, according to the preliminary estimations,produced goods to the amount of 29654,6 million lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with 2007 constituted 100,7% (in comparable prices). The situation in the industrial sector of the economy is determined mainly by the activities of the manufacturing of food products and beverages industry, the share of which constituted 43,1% in the total volume of production and contributed to the increase of it with 4,1%.
Increases of the volume of the industrial production compared to 2007 were recorded by the enterprises with the following main activities:: manufacture of wine; manufacture of sugar; manufacture of dairy products; manufacture of bread and pastry products; chemical industry; production, processing and preserving of meat and meat products; manufacture of distilled alcoholic drinks; manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery; manufacture of furniture; tanning and dressing of leather; metallurgical industry etc.
At the same time, the decrease of the volume of industrial production comparing with 2007 of the following activities have been noticed: manufacture of wearing apparel; manufacture of paper and paperboard; manufacture of beer; manufacture of tobacco products; manufacture of textiles; manufacture of articles of concrete, gypsum and cement; manufacture of machinery and equipment; manufacture of glass and glass products; energy sector etc.
Agricultural production obtained from all categories of households in 2008, summed up 16410 million lei in current prices, being, according to the preliminary estimations, 131,9% (in comparable prices) compared to previous year. The increase of agricultural production was determined by the increase of the production in plant growing with 69,0 at the same time animal production decreased with 19,6%.
Investments in fixed capital at the expense of all financing sources conducted in the national economy in the reporting period summed up 17710,3 million lei, out of which 10148,0 million lei constituted construction-assembly works, or respectively 0,4% more in comparison with 2007. The implementation of dwellings increased with 11,7%.
Turnover of goods realized by the enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport in 2008 decreased with 1,1% as compared to 2007, volume of transported goods decreased with 4,8%.
Number of transported passengers by all public transportation in 2008 increased with 5,9% as compared to 2007, while the number of passengers has increased with 2,2%.
Retail sales of goods, in 2008 summed up 34573,6 million lei, 8,4% higher than in the previous year.
Paid services, provided to the populationamounted 13110,4 million lei, a decrease, in comparable market terms, with 2,4% as compared to 2007.
The exportof goods in 2008 amounted 1597,3 million US dollars, with 19,0% more than in the previous year. Theimportof goods estimated 4898,9 million US dollars, 32,8% higher than in 2007. Thetrade balanceestimated adeficitof 3301,6 million US dollars, or with 953,8 million US dollars (with 40,6%) more than in the 2007.
The average monthly salary of an employee in the national economy in 2008 amounted 2529 lei or 22,6% more than in 2007. In the budgetary sector the average salary constituted 1959 lei, but in the real sector of economy – 2825 lei.
The number of the officially registered unemployed, according to the data of the National Agency for Labour Force Employment, on the 1st of January 2009 recorded 17,8 thousand persons. The number of unemployed persons, defined in accordance with the criteria of the International Labour Office (ILO), in the 3rd quarter of 2008 counted 48,7 thousand persons.
The rate of inflation in December 2008 in comparison with December 2007 constituted 7,3%, average annual inflation in 2008 as compared to previous year constituted 12,7% (the rate of inflation in December 2007 compared to December 2006 constituted 13,1%, average annual inflation in 2007 as compared to previous year – 12,3%).
1 Socio-economical data are presented without the data on enterprises and organizations from the left side of Nistru river and Bender municipality
The main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Moldova
2000 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008* | |
Gross Domestic Product, mio. lei | 16020 | 32032 | 37652 | 44754 | 53430 | 62840 |
in % compared to previous year | 102,1 | 107,4 | 107,5 | 104,8 | 103,0 | 107,2 |
Volume of industrial production 1, mio. lei | 8167,7 | 17591,1 | 20770,2 | 22370,7 | 26173,5 | 29654,6 |
in % compared to previous year | 107,7 | 108,2 | 107,0 | 95,2 | 98,7 | 100,7 |
Agricultural production, mio. lei | 8268 | 11819 | 12688 | 13734 | 12825 | 16410 |
in % compared to previous year | 96,7 | 120,8 | 100,8 | 98,9 | 76,9 | 131,9 |
Investments in fixed capitalat the expense of all financing sources, mio. lei | 1759,3 | 5140,0 | 7796,5 | 11012,3 | 15180,5 | 17710,3 |
in % compared to previous year | 85,0 | 107,6 | 121,4 | 124,0 | 120,7 | 100,4 |
including construction-assembling works | 755,6 | 2548,1 | 3913,4 | 5908,3 | 8423,6 | 10148,0 |
in % compared to previous year | 72,0 | 133,6 | 124,3 | 126,0 | 119,3 | 100,4 |
Implementation of dwellings(total area) at the expense of all financing sources, thou. m2 | 213,8 | 343,5 | 461,1 | 579,0 | 558,0 | 623,2 |
in % compared to previous year | 75,4 | 119,6 | 134,2 | 125,6 | 96,3 | 111,7 |
Turnover of goods by transport enterprises – total, mio. tonne-km | 1977,1 | 4175,5 | 4263,6 | 5206,52 | 4891,72 | 4837,72 |
in % compared to previous year | 131,0 | 109,9 | 102,1 | 115,8 | 94,02 | 98,92 |
of which: | ||||||
railway | 1513,2 | 3005,9 | 3052,9 | 3673,2 | 3120,.2 | 2877,6 |
in % compared to previous year | 127,1 | 99,6 | 101,6 | 120,3 | 84,9 | 92,2 |
road | 459,7 | 1168,2 | 1209,2 | 1531,42 | 1769,62 | 1958,12 |
in % compared to previous year | 145,6 | 149,9 | 103,5 | 104,5 | 115,62 | 110,72 |
Transported goods by transport enterprises – total, thou. tonne | 10227,0 | 16327,9 | 15236,4 | 15483,72 | 16982,62 | 16163,72 |
in % compared to previous year | 112,2 | 94,0 | 93,3 | 96,7 | 109,72 | 95,22 |
of which: | ||||||
railway | 8213,8 | 13309,9 | 11704,1 | 11092,5 | 11846,8 | 10997,7 |
in % compared to previous year | 124,2 | 90,3 | 87,9 | 94,8 | 106,8 | 92,8 |
road | 1981,0 | 2897,6 | 3419,7 | 4248,72 | 4968,32 | 4963,22 |
in % compared to previous year | 79,8 | 115,7 | 118,0 | 102,4 | 116,92 | 99,92 |
Retail sales of goods – total, mio. lei | 6012,0 | 16575,8 | 19487,7 | 23356,6 | 28220,1 | 34573,6 |
in % compared to previous year | 104,0 | 105,6 | 105,3 | 106,9 | 107,6 | 108,4 |
of which, through commercial units | 3193,7 | 8338,8 | 11030,8 | 13620,7 | 16866,6 | 21295,1 |
in % compared to previous year | 100,6 | 111,7 | 113,9 | 110,1 | 110,3 | 111,7 |
Stocks of goods at commercial units(at the end of the year), mio. lei | 434,7 | 1398,8 | 2021,1 | 2685,1 | 3740,9 | 4757,5 |
in % compared to previous year | 83,6 | 113,7 | 126,3 | 114,2 | 120,2 | 119,7 |
Paid services provided for the population – total, mio. lei | 2599,6 | 6970,4 | 8209,5 | 9964,0 | 11568,5 | 13110,4 |
in % compared to previous year | 100,1 | 105,3 | 109,2 | 105,6 | 101,1 | 97,6 |
of which, through official registered units | 2246,8 | 5685,5 | 6663,6 | 8029,0 | 9616,4 | 11026,4 |
in % compared to previous year | 104,3 | 105,9 | 108,6 | 104,9 | 104,2 | 98,8 |
Export, mio. US dollars | 471,5 | 985,2 | 1091,3 | 1051,6 | 1341,7 | 1597,3 |
in % compared to previous year | 101,7 | 124,7 | 110,8 | 96,4 | 127,6 | 119,0 |
Import, mio. US dollars | 776,4 | 1768,5 | 2292,3 | 2693,2 | 3689,5 | 4898,9 |
in % compared to previous year | 132,4 | 126,1 | 129,6 | 117,5 | 137,0 | 132,8 |
Deficit of trade balance, mio. US dollars | -304,9 | -783,3 | -1201,0 | -1641,6 | -2347,8 | 3301,6 |
in % compared to previous year | 248,1 | 127,9 | 153,3 | 136,7 | 143,0 | 140,6 |
Average monthly salary per employee in the national economy, lei | 407,9 | 1103,1 | 1318,7 | 1697,1 | 2065,0 | 2528,6 |
in % compared to previous year | 133,9 | 123,8 | 119,5 | 128,7 | 121,7 | 122,6 |
Real salary per employee, % | ||||||
in % compared to previous year | 102,3 | 110,1 | 106,8 | 114,2 | 108,4 | 108,8 |
Number of officially registered unemployed persons(at the end of the year), thou. persons | 28,9 | 21,0 | 21,7 | 20,4 | 18,9 | 17,8 |
in % compared to previous year | 82,7 | 106,8 | 103,3 | 93,7 | 92,8 | 94,4 |
Consumer Price Index,in % compared to previous year | 131,2 | 112,4 | 111,9 | 112,7 | 112,3 | 112,7 |
of which: | ||||||
foodstuff products | 136,5 | 112,8 | 113,7 | 109,1 | 111,0 | 115,6 |
non-foodstuff products | 122,1 | 111,8 | 112,3 | 116,4 | 113,1 | 108,3 |
services | 127,5 | 112,4 | 107,8 | 114,7 | 114,3 | 116,5 |
* Preliminary data
1 Including the volume of production calculated on individual enterprises
2 Including data on enterprises with different main activities, which transports goods by road and own or rent 10 or more freight auto vehicles
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