The main results of the research “Development of the Business Environment”

The main results of the research “Development of the Business Environment”
Research methodology
The statistical research "Development of the Business Environment" in terms of gender dimension was conducted in accordance with the action plan of the Development Strategy of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector for 2018-2020, between 5-25 September 2018, being that of 2nd research conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, after the first conducted in 2009. The research was conducted within the joint UN project "Strengthening the National Statistical System" with the support of UN Women, UNDP and Sweden.
The aim of the research was to identify the particularities of female and male entrepreneurship and the problems faced by entrepreneurs at the stage of initiation, growth and development of business, but also the factors that create impediments in their development in terms of gender differences. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was developed which includes questions that allow the calculation of both quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as questions to ensure comparability with the year 2009 on the basis of which the research was conducted.
The importance of research
Indicators on enterprises and entrepreneurship are available in several current statistical surveys such as: Annual Structural Survey, Labour Force Survey, Earnings and Labour Costs as well as other statistical resources available within the NBS such as financial statements. However, although they provide several important quantitative indicators in the analysis of entrepreneurship, their limitations are related to: i) another purpose on which they are focused as research, ii) the scope and method of collection (proxy interview), iii) lack gender variable, iv) the need for additional, qualitative information related to the barriers and problems of entrepreneurs, their motivations and future plans.
Coverage included the following categories of enterprises: active enterprises (with a turnover of more than zero) that present financial reports, except for enterprises in the financial intermediation and public administration sectors; individual enterprises that submit to the State Tax Service the income tax return, newly created enterprises.
The main results of the research “Development of the Business Environment” are available in Romanian.
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