The results of the first online survey on user satisfaction, published by the National Bureau of Statistics

The results of the first online survey on user satisfaction,
published by the National Bureau of Statistics
The survey aimed at assessing users satisfaction degree with the products and services provided by NBS in order to improve their quality adapting them to the informational needs of users. The statistical products and services assessed referred to the following:
- Official website of NBS;
- Statistical data bank;
- Statistical publications;
- Press releases;
- Infographics;
- GenderPulse electronic platform;
- Platform Population and Housing Census 2014;
- Interactive applications (CPI calculator, Life Expectancy Calculator, financial statements visualization, etc.);
- Requests for statistical data;
- Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube);
- Green Line.
During three weeks, users of NBS statistical products and services were invited to participate in the survey, their opinion being very important to consider in the process of streamlining and diversifying statistical products and services, which NBS continuously performs considering the needs and suggestions of data users.
Thus, the objectives of this opinion poll mainly concerned the following:
- better knowledge of the current profile of users of statistical products and services and the areas of statistical data in which they are currently interested;
- evaluation of the use level and user’s satisfaction degree with the statistical products and services delivered by NBS;
- identifying user needs in new products and services;
- evaluation of users' trust in statistical data disseminated through NBS products and services.
Overall, the results of the survey showed that users are satisfied with the products and services delivered by NBS. At the same time, over 80% show confidence in the statistical data disseminated in NBS products and services. It should be noted that the degree of trust is directly related to the level of advancement of statistical data users - the higher it is, the higher the degree of trust.
The NBS website enjoys great popularity among users. It is worth noting that different categories of users (advanced, intermediate or occasional) access NBS products and services differently – the advanced ones access more to the Web page and the statistical data bank, and the occasional ones are informed from NBS pages on social networks.
At the same time, users want more disaggregated statistical information and more interactive possibilities to view and generate statistics, such as examining the possibility of creating interactive databases. Among others, the users expressed the wish to facilitate the understanding and use of statistical data by offering more accessible forms to users, but also relevant trainings.
The planning and preparation of the online survey was assisted by international experts from the EU project ParStat „Technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova".
NBS periodically initiates (once every 5-6 years), independent sociological surveys aimed at assessing users ' opinion on the quality of statistical information produced and disseminated by NBS, from the perspective of compliance with the fundamental principles of statistics, the usefulness of statistical methodologies and determining the extent to which this information meets the needs of different categories of users. The latest opinion survey was conducted in 2016, and NBS is currently in the process of selecting a sociological company to conduct a new survey, with the support of the project ParStat, financed by EU, see announcement here.
We would like to underline that, for national statistical offices, including NBS, continuous communication with data users, especially through consulting their opinion, is a basic and indispensable tool in their activity and is in line with the European statistics Code of practice.
- The results of the survey on „User satisfaction with statistical products and services provided by NBS”
- Questionaire survey
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