Today, October 20, 2015 all member countries of the United Nations Organization are celebrating the World Statistics Day under the motto "Better data. Better lives".

Today, October 20, 2015 all member countries of the United Nations Organization are celebrating the World Statistics Day under the motto "Better data. Better lives".
This day was internationally officialised by the UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/69/282, and the importance of statistical data for decisions making based on evidence has been stressed by a message of the UN General Secretary, Mr. BAN KI-MOON on August 19, 2015 addressed to the heads of states by which he recognizes "The fundamental importance of sustainable national statistical capacity to produce credible and timely statistics and indicators".
The development of information technologies has reshaped our lives at all levels and in all aspects. The speed and globalization have become keywords which characterize practically all phenomena in society - either in the economic or social aspect. To follow up all these we need data - data that besides reflecting the reality in all its aspects also have the property to anticipate both future changes and challenges as well.
The national and international statistical practice pursues major changes and developments - one thing remains unchanged – the application of fundamental principles of official statistics: impartiality, objectivity, professionalism, responsibility, cost-efficiency, integrity, commitment on quality etc.
The production process of official statistics takes time and requires hard work, perseverance and resources - human and material - but all of these become justified when the statistics data are used for the decisions making process, which aims to improve the society situation.
In fact, the supreme aim of the official statistics is to serve the state and its citizens by providing timely and credible data, which serve to the decision making policy but at the same time they remain politically impartial.
Also on October 20, this year, in the Republic of Moldova it is celebrated the Statistician's Day at 6th consecutive year. This day was adopted under the Government Decision No. 934 from October 8, 2010 "On the proclamation of the professional Statistician's Day". According to this Decision Statistician's Day in the Republic of Moldova will be annually marked on October 20.
The Government of the Republic of Moldova has accepted the invitation of the Assembly, which encouraged UN member states to note World Statistics Day in an appropriate manner and to conduct at national level events marking this celebration.
In this context, during October and November the following events will be carried out under the motto “Better data. Better lives” :
- The press-conference on the occasion of celebrating World Statistics Day, chaired by the General Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, Ms. Lucia Spoială
- The conference"Improved local and regional statistics for a better life" will be held at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova on October 20, starting at 12.00. The event is organized by the National Bureau of Statistics and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova with the support of the project "Improving regional statistics in the Republic of Moldova".
- Training courses with the theme "Using Gender Statistics" for responsible units of gender statistics, organized during October by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in collaboration with UNDP, UN Women and Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family. The event is aimed to improve the capacities and practical skills of civil society representatives on the use of gender statistics in promoting and advocating gender equality, but also to analyze and monitor policies / programs in the domain.
- A series of workshops on the use of statistics for improving the design, implementation and evaluation of regional development policies will be organized by the STATREG project in collaboration with the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, the Regional Development Agencies of the North, Center and South regions and the ATU of Gagauzia, during the month of November 2015.
All information about the events organized with the occasion of World Statistics Day are available on the official page under the heading News and events / Statistician’s Day 2015.
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