Training course for NBS IT staff in Oracle database administration

Training course for NBS IT staff in Oracle database administration
During 25th-29th July 2016 and 8th-12th August 2016, six NBS specialists from IT Department of Bureau of National Statistics (NBS), database administrators had the benefit of being trained in Oracle database adminstration, delivered by „Improved Regional Statistics in Moldova” EU Project (STATREG).
The course offered the possibility to explore the fundamentals of basic database administration necessary for the development and maintenance of the Oracle databases at NBS.
NBS staff participating in the course learned to install Oracle Grid infrastructure, create and manage storage structures, install, configure and administrate an Oracle Database, as well as to perform backup and recovery.
The second part of the course offered a more detailed training in diagnose and repair data failures with Flashback technology, monitor and manage major database components, including memory, performance and resources, secure the availability of databases through appropriate backup and recovery strategies.
As a resoult, participants will be able to ensure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance, optimizing database workloads, having lower IT costs and delivering a higher quality of service.
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