Youth NEET in the Republic of Moldova for the first quarter of 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labor Force Survey (LFS), in the first quarter of 2023, the number of young people forming the NEET group aged between 15-24 was of 29,7 thousand, aged 15-29 - 79,2 thousand and young people aged 15-34 years - 156,0 thousand people. For all these three age groups, the majority are women (62,9% among 15-24 years old, 71,3% among 15-29 years old and 68,7% among 15-34 years old).

From the total number of young NEET people aged between 15-34 year, people aged 30-34 prevail with a share of 49,3%, followed by young people aged 25-29 - 31,7%. The share of young people aged between 20-24 years is 14,2% and those of 15-19 years - 4,8%.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growthGoal 17: Partnerships for the goals
2022 2022/2023 2023 absolvenţi absolvenți adolescenți băieți barbati bărbații tineri cadrele didactice cifre date educatie elevi fata femei femeile tinere fete forța de muncă fumat generaţia tinerilor grupe de vârstă grupul neet încălcare de lege instituții învățământ învățământ superior licee locuri de muncă mediul meserii moldova NEET numărul de elevi numărul de studenţi numărul de studenți numărul șomerilor ocuparea populația inactivă populația ocupată rang rata de activitate rata de ocupare rata şomajului sexe șomajul statistica statistici statutul profesional studenți tinerii

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