EU Project: “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova”
EU Project: “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova”
13.02.2015 2087
- Trainings offered by STATREG Project in January
02.02.2017 847
- Continuous training offered by STATREG Project
14.12.2016 881
- Experience sharing with Statistical Office of Lithuania
01.12.2016 843
- Training for trainers on use of regional statistics
23.11.2016 797
- Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms
04.08.2016 783
- Better training skills in the use of regional statistics
26.04.2016 858
- Steering Committee Meeting of the STATREG Project
23.07.2015 776
- Transfer of experience to Moldovan statisticians
08.07.2015 815
- Visit to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
11.06.2015 908
- Participation of STATREG Project at the European Village
11.05.2015 768