• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova
The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2019" posted on the website

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2019" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding demographic situation, labour market, health, tourism, crimes, agriculture, industry, investments in fixed assets, construction and transport.

The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2018" was posted on the website

The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2018" was posted on the website

The publication contains information regarding main social and economic aspects which characterize the welfare level of the population, especially incomes, expenditures, housing conditions, availability of durable goods, household food consumption etc.

The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2019 posted on the website

The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2019 posted on the website

The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2018, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.

The statistical publication "Education in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2019 has been posted on the website in electronic format

The statistical publication "Education in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2019 has been posted on the website in electronic format

The publication contains main statistical indicators that characterize the educational system of the country for the period 2010-2018. Data are represented by educational levels: early education, primary and general secondary education, vocational education, higher education, doctorate, regional statistics, statistical data according to ISCED 2011.

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-March 2019" posted on the website

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-March 2019" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on main social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2018" posted on the website

Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2018" posted on the website

The publication presents time series, based on processed survey data on the agricultural activity of small agricultural producers, organised by sample methods. Also, the publication comprises the description of basic methodologic principles of survey organisation.

Postponement of the dissemination terms of the press releases "Labor, Employment and Unemployment" and "Income and Expenditure of the Population”

Postponement of the dissemination terms of the press releases "Labor, Employment and Unemployment" and "Income and Expenditure of the Population”

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the press releases "Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment in the First Quarter 2019" and "Income and Expenditure of the Population in the First Quarter 2019" to be disseminated on 21 and 26 June 2019 respectively, will be disseminated to the general public after the official launch in July this year of the number of people with habitual residence1 recalculated on the basis of the results of the Population and Housing Census of 2014.

The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2019", posted on the website

The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2019", posted on the website

The pocket-book contains statistical information and analysis regarding demographic, social and economic situation of the country for 2015-2018.

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-March 2019" posted on the website

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-March 2019" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding demographic situation, labour market, health, tourism, crimes, agriculture, industry, investments in fixed assets, construction and transport.

National Bureau of Statistics is a provider of experience for the Turkmenistan State Statistical Committee

National Bureau of Statistics is a provider of experience for the Turkmenistan State Statistical Committee

Between 23-24 May, the representative of the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan, Mrs. Aida Ishhanova, Deputy Head of the Department of Statistics and Household Analysis, was on a study visit to the National Bureau of Statistics in order to obtain the experience and the best practices to be implemented in order to improve the statistical domain - the living standard of the population.

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-December 2018" posted on the website

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-December 2018" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on main social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

Experts Mission of initiation of the Regional Statistical Cooperation Project "Statistics through the Eastern Partnership" visiting NBS

Experts Mission of initiation of the Regional Statistical Cooperation Project "Statistics through the Eastern Partnership" visiting NBS

Between March 18-21, National Bureau of Statistics hosts the Mission of initiation of the Regional Statistical Cooperation Project "Statistics through the Eastern Partnership". The project was launched by the EU Statistical Office which is funded by the EU and will last 34 months.

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-December 2018" posted on the website

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-December 2018" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding industry, agriculture, investments in long term tangible assets and construction, transport, communications, tourism, domestic trade of goods, insurance, work remuneration, labour force market, unemployment, demographic situation, crimes.

Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2018, was posted on the website

Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2018, was posted on the website

The Statistical Yearbook is one of the traditional tools of official statistics, which allows studying the evolution of society as and is an essential foundation in the development of all public policies. The yearbook contains the most recent statistical data available in various fields, for economic and social characterization of the country in 2017, as well as the evolution in recent years of the main economic indicators. The Yearbook is structured in 24 chapters and includes about 370 tables and diagrams. Each chapter contains methodological notes for basic indicators.

NBS signed an Agreement on Statistical Cooperation with National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria

NBS signed an Agreement on Statistical Cooperation with National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) signed today, January 29, an Agreement on Statistical Cooperation with National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Agreement on Statistical Cooperation is part of the Association Agreement (Title IV, Chapter 6 Statistics) between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, signed in Brussels on 27.06.2014.

Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2018 was published

Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2018 was published

This publication contains detailed information on the extensive socio-economic situation of the country and represents a working tool for the development and preparation of the necessary development programs for both state authorities and local government as well as for economic units and other users.

The statistical compilation "Natural resources and environment in Republic of Moldova", edition 2018, published on the web

The statistical compilation "Natural resources and environment in Republic of Moldova", edition 2018, published on the web

The publication contains statistics concerning the air protection in atmosphere, the use of aquatic resources, the existence of land and forestry resources, formation and use of consumption and production waste, protected natural areas, the association of hunting, violations of ecologic legislation. For the first time chapters regarding natural disasters and change of weather were included in the publication.

Publication "Territorial statistics", edition 2018, posted on the web page

Publication "Territorial statistics", edition 2018, posted on the web page

The compilation presents statistical data in the form of tables from various domains: territorial-administrative organization, environment, population, labour force, population incomes and expenditures, dwellings, education, health protection, culture, tourism, crimes, industry, agriculture, investments in long term assets, constructions, transport information technologies, entrepreneurship.

Publication "National Accounts 2017 and Regional Accounts 2013-2016" was published

Publication "National Accounts 2017 and Regional Accounts 2013-2016" was published

The publication contains data regarding the system of national accounts of the Republic of Moldova for the year 2017. Tables with macroeconomic indicators that characterize the socio-economic situation of the country as a whole, by economic activities and institutional sectors are presented.

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-September 2018" posted on the website

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-September 2018" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on main social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

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