• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova
"Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2020 posted on the website

"Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2020 posted on the website

„The energy balance of the Republic of Moldova” is a large statistical collection, which presents the statistical indicators on the formation of primary and general resources of energy, distribution and final energy consumption on the main activities of the national economy during the period 2015-2019.

Call for Expression of Interest for the design and development of a new website for the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Call for Expression of Interest for the design and development of a new website for the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking an high-qualified national IT company/consortium for re-designing and developing the website of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova by applying a new responsive design, using best practices and examples from websites of National Statistical Offices of other countries, and considering the specific needs of the NBS.

The statistical publication „Children of Moldova”, edition 2020 posted on the website

The statistical publication „Children of Moldova”, edition 2020 posted on the website

The statistical publication “Children of Moldova” is the 3rd edition developed by the National Bureau of Statistics and summarizes the main indicators characterizing the child’s situation in the Republic of Moldova during 2014-2019. The publication is structured into 9 chapters which contains data on the following aspects: demography, children’s health and education, juvenile justice, social protection, situation of families with children as well territorial and international data.

The EU project "ParStat" hires a Consultant on legal acts and a Consultant on Human Resources to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

The EU project "ParStat" hires a Consultant on legal acts and a Consultant on Human Resources to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

The EU funded Project is a Service Contract managed by the EU Delegation to Moldova and implemented by a consortium led by the Italian Geographical Society in partnership with the National Institutes of Statistics of Italy, Poland, Denmark.

Job positions for English Language Teachers for the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Job positions for English Language Teachers for the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

The selected teachers will be contracted to organise and deliver English language classes to the employees of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, to improve their English skills for supporting their access to the online European and international resources related to official statistics, their capacities to write in English, and to facilitate their participation in statistics-related events where the use of English language is required.

Launch of the "Women's World 2020: Trends and Statistics portal" at the UN World Data Forum

Launch of the "Women's World 2020: Trends and Statistics portal" at the UN World Data Forum

On the occasion of World Statistics Day, between 19-21 October was held the UN World Data Forum, which brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies. Data experts and users gather to spur data innovation, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.

October 20, 2020 - "World Statistics Day", "European Statistics Day", "Professional Day of the Statistician in the Republic of Moldova"

October 20, 2020 - "World Statistics Day", "European Statistics Day", "Professional Day of the Statistician in the Republic of Moldova"

October 20, 2020 is an important date for the world of statistics. On this day, the 3rd World Statistics Day is celebrated, with the theme "Connecting the world with data we can trust", an initiative of the United Nations General Assembly. This theme reflects the importance of trust in official data and innovation, the confidence of the public good in national statistical systems.

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-June 2020" posted on the website

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-June 2020" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on main social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented.

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2020" posted on the website

The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2020" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding demographic situation, labour market, health, tourism, crimes, agriculture, industry, investments in fixed assets, construction and transport.

The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2019" was posted on the website

The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2019" was posted on the website

“Aspects of the Standard of Living of Population in 2019” is an annual statistical publication containing detailed information on income, expenditures, housing conditions, household food consumption, availability of durable goods, etc.

The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2020 posted on the website

The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2020 posted on the website

The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2019, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.

The second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU funded project "ParStat" was held

The second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU funded project "ParStat" was held

NBS presented the results of the study on the development of the business environment from a gender perspective

NBS presented the results of the study on the development of the business environment from a gender perspective

Today, August 6, in an online session, were presented the results of the study on gender perspective in business development, conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in 2018. During the event was presented the Analytical Report on participation of women and men in entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova, developed by the national expert, Rodica Nicoara. The online event brought together decision makers, statisticians, demographers, but also national experts.

The National Bureau of Statistics has a new General Director

The National Bureau of Statistics has a new General Director

The Government appointed Mr. Oleg Cara as General Director of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (NBS). Mr. Oleg Cara was designated the winner of the competition for the selection of the general director of the NBS, organized by the State Chancellery, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 93/2017 on official statistics.

An integrated information system will allow obtaining complex demographic data in line with the international practices

An integrated information system will allow obtaining complex demographic data in line with the international practices

The National Bureau of Statistics will develop an integrated information system that will provide complex and timely statistical data on population and migration, including internal and external migration. This system aims to capitalize the state registers by integrating data on population, vital events, demographic characteristics, migration and mobility of persons, existing in administrative data sources assessed as relevant and sufficiently qualitative for the production of official statistics in demography.

The statistical publication "Education in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2020 has been posted on the website in electronic format

The statistical publication "Education in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2020 has been posted on the website in electronic format

The publication contains main statistical indicators that characterize the educational system of the country for the period 2010-2019. Data are represented by educational levels: early education, primary and general secondary education, vocational education, higher education, doctorate, regional statistics, statistical data by International Standard Classification of Education.

Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2019" posted on the website

Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2019" posted on the website

The publication presents time series, based on processed survey data on the agricultural activity of small agricultural producers, organised by sample methods. Also, the publication comprises the description of basic methodologic principles of survey organisation.

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-March 2020" posted on the website

"Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-March 2020" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on main social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented.

The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2020", posted on the website

The statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures, edition 2020", posted on the website

The publication comprises a short information about the socioeconomic and demographic situation of the country for 2016-2019.

UNFPA Moldova donated a lot of masks, gloves, and disinfectants for the employees of the National Bureau of Statistics

UNFPA Moldova donated a lot of masks, gloves, and disinfectants for the employees of the National Bureau of Statistics

The UN Population Fund offered a lot of protective equipment and disinfectants for the employees of the National Bureau of Statistics, including the 36 territorial subdivisions. UNFPA offered the equipment and disinfectants in the context of preventing and combating the epidemic caused by COVID-19.

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