Population with usual residence in Republic of Moldova, by sex and age groups, at the beginning of 2019

Population with usual residence in Republic of Moldova, by sex and age groups, at the beginning of 2019
National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical information regarding number of population with usual residence, which contains those persons that have lived continuously for most of the last 12 months in Republic of Moldova, not including temporary absences. Population estimate start with the corrected estimates of population wit usual residence from the Population and Housing Census (PHC) 2014 to which there are added the births, subtracted the deaths, and added the migratory balance (net migration).
Thus, NBS informs that the preliminary number of population with usual residence (resident population) in Republic of Moldova at 01.01.2019 was 2 681,7 thousands persons, decreasing with 48,7 thousands persons (1,8%) compared to the same period of 2018. This decrease was especially caused by the migratory balance.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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