Population with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova by sex and age groups at 1st January 2021

Population with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova by sex and age groups at 1st January 2021
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) presents the provisional estimates of the number of population with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova at 1st January 2021, representing the number of persons who lived mainly in the last 12 months of reference year on the territory of the Republic of Moldova regardless of temporary absences (for recreation, vacation, visits to relatives and friends, business, medical treatment, religious pilgrimages, etc.
The provisional number of the population with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova at 1st January 2021 amounted to 2597,1 thousand persons, decreasing by 46,8 thousand persons or by 1,8% compared to the same period of 2020 and with 272,1 thousand persons (or by 10,5%) in the last 8 years (01.01.2014-01.01.2021).
The final estimates of the number of the population with usual residence at 01.01.2020, calculated based on the data of net migration for 2019, constitute 2643,9 thousand persons. Data on the number of population at 1st January 2021 are provisional because they are estimated based on net migration rates in 2019 (to the number of population at the beginning of 2020 was added the natural population increase (difference between births and deaths) and the estimated migratory increase (difference between immigrants and emigrants) in 2020). The final data for the net migration from 2020, which will allow the final calculations of the population with usual residence at the beginning of 2021, can be estimated in 2022 only after the data on the crossing of the state border of individuals for year 2020 will be available.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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