National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in May 2022 registered a value of 416,1 millions US dollars, with 5,0% more than in the previous month and by 2,1 times more compared to May 2021. Imports of goods in May 2022 amounted 772,6 millions US dollars with 0,2% more than in the previous month and with 37,1% more compared to May 2021.
National Bureau of Statistics presents the Newsletter for the 2nd quarter of this year, which contains the most important news and events from the activity carried out by NBS during this period.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the average consumer prices in June 2022 compared to May 2022 increased with 2,21%. The increase in average consumer prices was caused by the increase in food prices with 0,57%, in non-food prices with 2,35% and in prices of services provided to the population with 4,31%.
The National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical data on the number of population with usually resident population by territorial profile (by districts), by characteristics such as age, sex or area of residence, for the period 2014-2021. Since the beginning of 2014, the population of the Republic of Moldova with usually resident population3 has been continuously decreasing, reaching 2603,8 thousand inhabitants at the beginning of 2022, of whom 1102,5 thousand people (42,3%) make up the urban population and 1501,3 thousand (57,7%) people – the rural. population
The National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical information on the average life expectancy in the Republic of Moldova in 2021 was of 69,1 years, decreasing by 0,7 years compared to the previous year and by 11,3 years less than the average level of life expectancy at birth in the 27 EU countries in 2020 (80,4 years). Life expectancy at birth by sex in 2021 was of 65,2 years for men and 73,1 years for women.
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is launching, in testing mode, a new version of the official website with the address The purpose of testing site is to collect feedback from users and gradually familiarize them with the new site. Thus, we invite all users to browse the new site and contribute to its improvement by offering suggestions and appreciations.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that on January 1, 2022 the dwelling stock of the Republic of Moldova constituted 1319,4 thousand dwellings with the total area of 90003,0 thousand m.p.
The publication is based on the results of sample statistical survey of the agricultural activity of small agricultural producers and is a synthesis of the main statistical indicators on the situation of small producers in the Republic of Moldova - households and farms, which use agricultural lands with an area of less than 10 ha.