The activity of higher education institutions in the academic year 2020/21

The activity of higher education institutions in the academic year 2020/21

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the academic year 2020/21, the higher education institutions network have a total of 24 units including 16 state and 8 non-state institutions. Most of them, mainly 20 units are located in Chişinău municipality and 1 unit each in Balţi, Cahul, Comrat and Taraclia.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.

2020 absolvenți cifre cu frecvență date fără frecvență forme de învățământ indicatori înmatricularea instituții de stat instituții private învățământ superior moldova numărul de studenți statistica statistici studenți studenți înmatriculați studii superioare

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