Population Census 2004
Population Census 2004
2004 Population Census results
Demographic, national, language and cultural characteristics
Living conditions of population
Population and Housing Census in the Republic of Moldova in 2014
Demographic, national, language and cultural characteristics
- Population at the 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2004 censuses, by sex and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by area, localities and sex, in territorial aspect
- Population by sex, age group and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by marital status, sex and area, in territorial aspect
- Female population aged 15 years and over by number of children born alive and age group, in territorial aspect
- Population by main nationalities, in territorial aspect
- Population by nationalities and localities, in territorial aspect
- Population by main nationalities, mother tongue and language usually spoken
- Population aged 10 years and over by educational attaiment and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by religions, in territorial aspect
- Population by citizenship, age group,sex and area
Migration of the population
- Population by place of birth and main nationalities, in territorial aspect
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by sex, reason and duration of absence, in territorial aspect
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by age group, in territorial aspect
- International migrants by country of previous residence and duration of permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova, by sex and area
- Population by duration of permanent residence, by age group, sex and area
- Population by duration of permanent residence, by sex and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by duration of permanent residence, main nationalities and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by place of birth and main nationalities, by sex and area, in territorial aspect
- International migrants by country of previous residence and duration of permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova, by sex and area
- Internal migration of the population during the past two years prior to the census, by previous place of residence, in territorial aspect
- emporarily absent population, went abroad, by sex, age group and area
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by sex and age group, in territorial aspect
- Population aged 15 years and over, temporarily absent, went abroad, by marital status, sex, age group and area
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by country of the current location and duration of absence, by sex and area
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by country of the current location and duration of absence, in territorial aspect
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by country of the current location and reasson for absence, by sex and area
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by country of the current location and reasson for absence, in territorial aspect
- Temporarily absent population, went abroad, by educational attainment, sex and age group
- Households by size and localities, in territorial aspect
- The households by type, average size and number of children under 18 years, in territorial aspect
- Households of 2 persons and over, by number of children under 18 years, in territorial aspect
- Households of two persons and over, by members nationality and average household size, by area, in territorial aspect
- Households of two persons and over, by some age groups, sex and area
- Population of one-person households, by marital status, sex and area, in territorial aspect
- Population aged 15 years and over, by economic situation and area, in territorial aspect
- Population by economic situation and educational attainment, in territorial aspect
- Economically active and inactive population bu duration of permanent residence, by area
- Economically active and inactive population bu duration of permanent residence, in territorial aspect
Living conditions of population
- Households by occupied dwellling type, by area, in territorial aspect
- Households by total space size and occupied dwellings type, in territorial aspect
- Households by occupied dwelling endowment, by area
- Households by occupied dwelling endowment, in territorial aspect
- Households by occupied dwelling type, composition and average household size, by area
- Households by form of ownership of occupied dwelling, by area, in territorial aspect
- Total and living space, in average per one person, by type, number of rooms and form of ownership of occupied dwelling
- Household by occupied dwelling type and endowment, in territorial aspect
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