Activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in 2010/11 school year

Activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in 2010/11 school year
National Bureau of Statistics informs that at the beginning of the 2010/11 school year, secondary vocational education network comprised 75 units, of which 2 are non-public. As in the previous years, secondary vocational education network consisted of 23 schools of trades (including 6 schools as under the penitentiaries) and 52 vocational schools. At the beginning of 2010/11 school year 21,4 thou. pupils were studying in secondary vocational institutions, which is less with 3,3% compared to the previous school year.
At the beginning of the 2010/11 school year 48 secondary specialized institutions (colleges) were operating, which is more with one unit compared to previous school year. Of total, 6 units are non-public. The number of students amounted to 32,2 thou., registering a small decrease compared to the previous year (0.3%)
More detailed information is available in Romanian language
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