Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the academic year 2019/20

Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the academic year 2019/20

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the academic year 2019/20, primary and general secondary education is provided in 1226 units, including 103 primary schools, 762 secondary schools, 348 high schools and 13 schools for children with intelectual or physical disabilities. In addition, in the country there are 29 branches of gyms and high schools.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
2020 absolvenți anul de studii baza tehnico-materială cadre didactice cifre date elevi indicatori învățământul primar învățământul secundar general învățământul seral învățământul special licee moldova școli gimnaziale școli primare sectorul privat statistica statistici

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