Business demography in Moldova in 2021

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 the number of reporting enterprises was 52,5 thousand enterprises, of which 38,3 thousand active enterprises or about 72,9% of the total number of reporting enterprises.
During 2021, 5,3 thousand enterprises were created and 5,5 thousand enterprises were liquidated.
Demography of enterprises by type of economic activity. The majority of active enterprises in 2021 were active in trade, constituting 15,9 thousand enterprises or 41,6% of all active enterprises. In manufacturing industry 3,7 thousand enterprises or 9,7% of all active enterprises were active.
Demography of enterprises by form of ownership. In 2021 enterprises with private form of ownership constituted 35,5 thousand units, or 92,7% of all active enterprises, those with public form of ownership - 0,6 thousand (1.5%), foreign - 1,4 thousand (3,8%), and with mixed enterprise ownership - 0,8 thousand (2,0%).
Demography of enterprises in territorial profile. In territorial profile active enterprises were distributed as follows: municipality Chișinău - 24,0 thousand (or 62,6% of the total number of active enterprises), development region Centre - 6,1 thousand (15,9%), North - 5,0 thousand (13,0%), South - 2,0 thousand (5,4%), and UTA Gagauzia - 1,2 thousand (3,1%).
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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