Doctoral and postdoctoral activity in 2021

Doctoral and postdoctoral activity in 2021
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021, PhD studies (cycle III) took place in 26 doctoral schools (with 13 units less than in 2020), organized in 16 higher education institutions, some of which formed consortia, national and international partnerships with other higher education institutions and scientific research institutions.
In 2021, the total number of students in higher doctoral studies (cycle III) counted 1680 people (excluding foreign citizens), the number slightly decreasing (by 0,9%) compared to 2020. Of the total number of students in higher education doctorate, 78,2% were enrolled in part-time studies. Compared to 2020, the number of part-time students decreased by 2,0%, while in the case of full-time studies there is an increase of 3,4%.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
- Jana MazurHead of Division
Education, Science and Culture Statistics DivisionEmail:
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