• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Noutăți) NBS newsletter, quarter III 2022

National Bureau of Statistics presents the Newsletter, which reflects the main news regarding the statistical activity and events carried out during the third quarter of this year.

(Noutăți) Meeting of the Sectoral Council of External Assistance in the field of official statistics

Members of the Sectoral Council of External Assistance in the field of official statistics met on October 4 to present the progress in the development of the official statistics sector and to assess the current situation regarding the needs of external assistance for the development of the National Statistical System in the next period.

(Noutăți) Cooperation in the field of social statistics discussed with representatives of the World Bank delegation during a working visit to Chisinau

On October 3rd, the management and specialists of the National Bureau of Statistics had a meeting with the representatives of the World Bank mission from the Poverty and Equity Program, with the office in Washington, Trang Nguyen, senior economist, and Kristina Vaughan, economist, who were on a working visit to our country during October 3-6.

(Publicație) Statistical yearbook "Chisinau in figures", editions 2006-2024

(Comunicat) The balances of food resources and their use for the year 2021

The National Bureau of Statistics presents the statistical data on the balances of food resources and and their use for the 2021 year. The balances of food resources and and their use represent a synthesis of indicators, which characterize the inputs and uses of the main agricultural products.


(Comunicat) Elderly population in the Republic of Moldova in 2021

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, which is marked annually on October 1, National Bureau of Statistics presents information on the situation of the older persons in the Republic of Moldova in 2021.




Cooperation with National Statistical Offices

(Noutăți) Training on building capacity of the national statistical system in terms of international standards

About 70 representatives of the central public authorities, other institutions and organizations involved in the development of official statistics participated on September 20 in the workshop on strengthening the capacities of the National Statistical System to use international standards in the field of official statistics.

(Publicație) Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau, editions 2007-2024

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in August 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in August 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 0,6% compared to July 2022, compared to August 2021 - by 30,2% and compared to December 2021 - with 18,5%.

(Comunicat) Turnover in trade and services in January-July 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in July 2022, turnover in retail trade, in comparable prices, decreased with 0,8% compared to previous month and with 6,3% compared to July 2021.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity in January-July 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in July 2022, the industrial production decreased compared to the corresponding month of the previous year by 14,4%. The decrease in production in July 2022 compared to July 2021 was determined by decreases in the extractive industry, in the manufacturing industry and in the production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning, generating the decreases of production on total industry with 0,2%, 14,1% and respectively 0,1%.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in the second quarter and the first semester of 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the Gross Domestic Product, estimated for the second quarter of 2022, amounted to 64,3 billion lei, current market prices. Compared to the second quarter of 2021, GDP has decreased, in real terms, with 0,9% on the gross series and with 0,6% per seasonally adjusted series.

(Comunicat) International trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova in July and January-July 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-July 2022 merchandise exports amounted to 2629,7 millions USD, a value higher by 67,3% compared to corresponding period of 2021 and imports summed up 5111,8 millions USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2021 with 33,5%.

(Noutăți) The Republic of Moldova is in process of improving national statistics in the field of crime and justice

The National Bureau of Statistics, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Sweden, completed the sectoral evaluation process of crime and justice statistics from the perspective of their alignment with the international and European standards.

The Sectoral Council for external assistance

(Publicație) Statistical data "Republic of Moldova versus European Union", editions 2021-2024

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in August 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the average consumer prices in August 2022 compared to July 2022 increased with 0,89%.

(Noutăți) The quarterly publication „Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2022" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding demographic situation, labour market, health, tourism, crimes, agriculture, industry, investments in fixed assets, construction and transport.

(Comunicat) Youth NEET in the Republic of Moldova for the second quarter of 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, in the second quarter of 2022, the number of young people forming the NEET group aged between 15-24 was of 44,1 thousand, aged 15-29 - 113,6 thousand and young people aged 15-34 years - 190,8 thousand people.

(Comunicat) Population outside the labor force in the Republic of Moldova in the second quarter of 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, in the first second of 2022, the population outside the labor force aged 15 and older accounted 1229,7 thousand people, decreasing by 1,3% compared to the second quarter of 2021.

(Comunicat) Underutilization of the labor force in the Republic of Moldova in the second quarter of 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, the underemployed labor force for the age of 15 years and older constituted 52,8 thousand persons in the second quarter of 2022, decreasing by 20,1% compared to the second quarter of 2021 and by 55,5% compared to the second quarter of 2020.

(Comunicat) Labour Force in the Republic of Moldova: Employment and unemployment in the second quarter 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labour Force Survey, in the second quarter 2022, the labour force of the Republic of Moldova, active population, which includes the employed and unemployed population, was 900,4 thousand persons, increasing by 3,0% in comparison to the second quarter of 2021.

(Publicație) Energy balance of the Republic of Moldova, editions 2007-2024

(Noutăți) The statistical publication „Aspects of the Standard of Living of Population of the Republic of Moldova in 2021" was posted on the website

Aspects of the Standard of Living of Population of the Republic of Moldova in 2021” is an annual statistical publication containing detailed information on income, expenditures, housing conditions, household food consumption, availability of durable goods, etc.

(Noutăți) Data revision policy, in accordance with the good European practices, approved by the NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics, in order to improve the transparency of the revision processes, to ensure good information and efficient communication with users, has developed and approved by Order No. 35 of 30 August 2022 the Data Revision Policy.

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