
The ,,Finance" reflects the information on the execution of the National Public Budget, monetary statistics (monetary aggregates, the volume of cash transactions in the banking system, the balance of loans in the economy and deposits of individuals), as well as the activity of insurers, etc.
The National Public Budget represents the total revenues and expenditures of the state budget, local budgets, state social insurance budget and compulsory health insurance funds. The revenues of the national public budget consist of taxes, fees, contributions and compulsory insurance premiums, grants and other receipts specified by the legislation in force.
Expenditures of the national public budget are determined by the allocations provided by the annual budget law intended to meet the needs of society to cover social and cultural expenses and scientific research, maintenance of the state apparatus, coverage of military needs, payment of state debt, subsidies, economic sector development, etc.
The budget deficit is the overrun of spending on revenue. The budget surplus is the excess of revenue over expenditure.
Government finance statistics are compiled by the Ministry of Finance.
Monetary aggregates represent the volumes and structure of the money supply intended to study the circulation of money in order to regulate it. The money supply consists of money aggregates M0, M1, M2, M3.
М0 = cash issued by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), excluding cash in the bank's cash desk and in the cash desks of  NBM.
М1 = М0 + sight deposits in domestic currency. 
М2 = М1 + term deposits in domestic currency. 
М3 = М2 + deposits in foreign currency.
Monetary statistics are compiled by the National Bank of Moldova.
The data are published on the official NBS website on a quarterly and annual basis via press releases or the database.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
28.03.202514:00StatbankFinance 2024BNS
23.05.202510:00News releasesThe activity of insurers January-March 2025BNS
30.06.202514:00StatbankFinance Quarter I 2025BNS
25.08.202510:00News releasesThe activity of insurers January-June 2025BNS
30.09.202514:00StatbankFinance Quarter II 2025BNS
24.11.202510:00News releasesThe activity of insurers January-September 2025BNS
29.12.202514:00StatbankFinance Quarter III 2025BNS

Metadata, concepts and methodologies

Concepts and methodologies

