
Short-term indicators in industry include the Industrial Production Index (IPI) and the Industrial Turnover Index (ITI).
The Industrial Production Index measures the development of the real outputs of industrial activities relative to a base period, in fact presenting the volume index.
The Industrial Turnover Index provides an overview of the economic situation used to assess current sales trends and, therefore, to report market fluctuations.
For the IPI the industrial activities are represented by sections B ”Mining and quarrying”, C ”Manufacturing” and D ”Production and supply of electric and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning” of the Classification of Economic Activities of Moldova (CAEM-2).
For the ITI, industrial activities are represented by the sections B ”Mining and quarrying” and C ”Manufacturing” of the Classification of Economic Activities of Moldova (CAEM-2).
Short-Term Indicators in Industry are based on the monthly statistical survey of enterprises with the main type of activity in industry, covering the enterprises with 20 staff and more surveyed on an exhaustive sampling, while those with a number of staff from 4 to 19 people - by random sample.
The data are published monthly on the official website of the NBS via the press-release, in the statistical DataBank and the section Statistics by themes.

Industrial production statistics covers indicators on industrial production in value and physical expression, as well as their evolution.
Industrial activities are represented by section B “Mining and quarrying”, C “Processing Industry”, D “Production and supply of electricity, heat, steam, hot water and air conditioning” and E “Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities” of the Classifier of Activities in Moldova Economy (CAEM-2).
Industrial production statistics are developed based on statistical surveys of enterprises dealing with industry, as their main activity, covering all enterprises, which carry out industrial activities, including secondary activities.
The data are published annually on the official website of the NBS via the statistical databank and the section Statistics by themes.


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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
21.10.202410:00StatbankVolume of production indices August 2024BNS
21.10.202410:00News releasesIndustrial activity January-August 2024BNS
21.10.202410:00Excel tablesIndustrial production indicators by CAEM activities August 2024BNS
21.10.202410:00Excel tablesThe circular flow of the main industrial products August 2024BNS
21.10.202410:00Excel tablesMain industrial manufacturing products August 2024BNS
21.10.202410:00Excel tablesTurnover value (sales revenue) by types of activities August 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00StatbankVolume of production indices September 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00News releasesIndustrial activity January-September 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00Excel tablesIndustrial production indicators by CAEM activities September 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00Excel tablesThe circular flow of the main industrial products September 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00Excel tablesMain industrial manufacturing products September 2024BNS
20.11.202410:00Excel tablesTurnover value (sales revenue) by types of activities September 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00StatbankVolume of production indices October 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00News releasesIndustrial activity January-October 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00Excel tablesIndustrial production indicators by CAEM activities October 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00Excel tablesThe circular flow of the main industrial products October 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00Excel tablesMain industrial manufacturing products October 2024BNS
20.12.202410:00Excel tablesTurnover value (sales revenue) by types of activities October 2024BNS
