DateHourCategoryTitleReference periodDomainIssuer
23.08.202414:00Statbank Housing put into operation January-June 2024 Constructions BNS
24.08.202414:00Excel tables Exports and imports of the Republic of Moldova, structured by quarters, goods (at 4-digit level of KNG) and by countries Quarter II 2024 External trade BNS
26.08.202410:00News releases The activity of insurers January-June 2024 Finance BNS
26.08.202414:00News releases Earnings, labour costs and number of employees 2023 Earnings and labour costs BNS
26.08.202414:00Statbank Labour cost 2023 Earnings and labour costs BNS
26.08.202414:00Statbank Number of employees 2023 Number of employees and vacancies BNS
26.08.202414:00Statbank Mobility of employees and number of jobs 2023 Number of employees and vacancies BNS
26.08.202414:00Statbank Earnings statistics / Annual data 2023 Earnings and labour costs BNS
29.08.202414:00News releases Average monthly earnings and the index of average number of employees Quarter II 2024 Earnings and labour costs BNS
29.08.202414:00Statbank Earnings statistics / Quarterly data Quarter II 2024 Earnings and labour costs BNS
30.08.202410:00Excel tables Results of the annual survey "Earnings and labour costs" 2023 Earnings and labour costs BNS
30.08.202410:00Excel tables Investments in fixed assets January-June 2024 Investments in assets BNS
30.08.202410:00News releases Investments in fixed assets January-June 2024 Investments in assets BNS
30.08.202410:00Statbank Construction price indices Quarter II 2024 Constructions BNS
30.08.202414:00Excel tables Number of overnight stays in establishments of collective touristic reception with functions of accommodation Quarter II 2024 Tourism BNS
30.08.202414:00Excel tables Attendance of collective tourist accomodation establishments January-June 2024 Tourism BNS
30.08.202414:00News releases Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accommodation January-June 2024 Tourism BNS
30.08.202414:00Statbank Attendance of establishments Quarter II 2024 Tourism BNS
30.08.202414:00Statbank Investments in fixed assets January-June 2024 Investments in assets BNS
30.08.202414:00Excel tables Number of arrivals of the tourists in establishments of collective touristic reception with functions of accommodation Quarter II 2024 Tourism BNS
02.09.202414:00Publications Aspects of the standard of living of population (Romanian and English) 2023 Living standard of the population BNS
02.09.202414:00Statbank Electronic communications Quarter II 2024 Information technology, post and communications BNS
03.09.202414:00Statbank Unemployment Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
03.09.202414:00Statbank Employment and unemployment (Labour Force Survey) main indicators Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
03.09.202414:00News releases Labour force: employment and unemployment Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
05.09.202410:00Statbank Energy resources, main indicators July 2024 Energy BNS
09.09.202414:00Statbank Education and training of women during lifetime 2023 Gender statistics BNS
10.09.202410:00Excel tables Consumer prices, on average per country, for socially important retail products August 2024 Consumer price indices BNS
10.09.202410:00News releases Evolution of consumer prices August 2024 Consumer price indices BNS
10.09.202410:00Statbank Consumer price indices August 2024 Consumer price indices BNS
10.09.202414:00News releases Labour underutilization Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
10.09.202414:00Publications Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau (Romanian) January-June 2024 Regional statistics BNS
11.09.202414:00Statbank The participation of women in decision-making process 2023 Gender statistics BNS
11.09.202414:00Statbank Women's health 2023 Gender statistics BNS
12.09.202414:00News releases People outside the labour force Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
13.09.202410:00Excel tables External trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova January-July 2024 External trade BNS
13.09.202410:00Excel tables Exports, imports and trade balance July 2024 External trade BNS
13.09.202410:00Statbank Exports, imports and trade balance by groups of countries July 2024 External trade BNS
13.09.202414:00Excel tables The number of crossing of the state border of the Republic of Moldova by foregn citizens August 2024 Tourism BNS
16.09.202414:00Statbank Living subsistence Semester I 2024 Living standard of the population BNS
16.09.202414:00Excel tables Resourced and elements of final consumption of GDP Quarter II 2024 National accounts BNS
16.09.202414:00News releases Gross Domestic Product Quarter II 2024 National accounts BNS
17.09.202410:00News releases International trade in goods of the Republic of Moldova January-July 2024 External trade BNS
17.09.202414:00News releases Youth NEET Quarter II 2024 Employment and unemployment BNS
19.09.202410:00Excel tables Producer price index, by economic activities, year 2015=100 August 2024 Industrial production price indices BNS
19.09.202410:00News releases The evolution of industrial production prices August 2024 Industrial production price indices BNS
19.09.202410:00Statbank Producer price indices August 2024 Industrial production price indices BNS
19.09.202410:00Excel tables Producer price index, by types of activities August 2024 Industrial production price indices BNS
19.09.202414:00Statbank Indices of the volume of sales (deliveries) based on VAT declarations, by economic activities July 2024 Domestic trade and services BNS
20.09.202410:00Excel tables Turnover value (sales revenue) by types of activities July 2024 Industry BNS